Extra ordering information for special requests

Additional information / options of the order procedure.

Select the product you want and select the desired “Product options”, if applicable. Complete the ordering process in the webshop.


  1. Send the desired print (image plus any texts) by email to: info@wagenhofmodeltoys.nl
  2. State your order number (see your order confirmation email if necessary)
  3. Attach the desired images as an attachment. (in JPEG / JPG format, high resolution.) CoreDraw file is also allowed.
  4. Provide an indication of the desired image crop.
  5. For textile prints (T shirts etc.), indicate where the image should be, such as: (Front, left chest, right chest and or on the back)
  6. For textile prints indicate how the print / print should be printed such as: (Square, circular, rectangular and or oval shaped lying or standing)
  7. For textile prints, indicate which type of edge the print / print must have, such as: (Sharp, rough or random)
  8. If desired, the print can be provided with a text to be determined by you.
  9. Enter the desired font and color. (See “Font type and font / foil color”)
  10. Give indication font size. (In mms. Minimum size is 10 mm when cutting letters)
  11. Text is integrated as standard in the image, but with textiles it can also be printed as a foil print above, over and or below your image. Take into account text length, letter size / type and available space. Indicate which text should be printed where. Deviating fonts in consultation and after evt. provision of the font.

Take into account the size of your image and the size of the product you have chosen (Puzzle, mouse pad etc.) so that the desired parts can be printed on the chosen product. If necessary, give an indication of the desired crop.


Make sure you have the user rights of the texts and / or images you want. You indemnify Wagenhof Model-Toys against infringement of any images, brands and or other property rights of third parties on the images, texts, etc. made available by you.
Images provided will be destroyed after use.

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